In fact, when I look carefully at my life, there are very few relationships in which I do feel valued, which is sad to me. Most of the relationships in my life seem quite superficial, or are very conditional. As I become more discerning regarding who I direct my energies towards, and am choosing only to invest where I feel valued, my life has become more and more devoid of people.
I am circling back around to The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman here. The “currency” I most easily recognize as someone utilizing in our relationship to impart my value to them, is time. If you aren’t spending time with me, either on the phone or in person, I don’t feel valued by you. For others, it can be physical touch, loving words, or gifts. Those other things are nice to me, but if you never call or spend time with me, and only send me a card at Christmas or on my birthday, I won’t feel very connected to you, because I won’t feel valued. At the very least I won’t feel like I rank very high in your life. We all know that time is precious and each of us has to prioritize our lives. Where I rank on your priority list is evident to me based on your actions. We are all inherently valuable as human beings; we all have worth. It is just whether or not the buyer prioritizes your value in their lives.
I thoroughly recommend reading the full article Five Words That Will Change Your Life here: